Perspektywy Women in Tech


During the last weeks we have immersed ourselves in the online world. We have created two completely different events - the remote version of our event for high schoolers, Girls AS Engineers! - Virus-Resistant Fields and a 3-day (!) online festival for women in technologies - Women in Tech Days 2020. We have proved that even during quarantine we can have well-organised, multi-subject events for 5000 participants in total.
That we can meet even in the time of social distancing, share knowledge and inspiration, true to the motto "We might be separated, but we are not alone!".
The title says 99% online. The 1% is us - our real-world studio at Nowogrodzka in Warsaw. We are here for you.
May this May be beautiful and creative.

Together in cyber space

IT for SHE mentor for the hard times

Although we remain separated, we are really not alone. Let us all enter this space, full of technological possibilities, and discover again the pleasure of being somewhere else than in our own rooms. I want to invite you to spend wise days, full of knowledge, inspiration and informative content - with these words dr Bianka Siwińska, the managing director of the "Perspektywy" Education Foundation, opened the first online festival for women, Women in Tech Days 2020.

For the fourth time we encourage the women studying IT to apply to the IT for SHE mentoring program. 40 exceptional Mentors from the best tech companies will share their expert knowledge, experience, and good advice. The mentoring program is a part of the IT for SHE project selected by the European Commission as the best activity supporting women in technologies in Europe. The IT for SHE partners include the leading high tech companies - Citi, Google, Intel, P&G, Goldman Sachs, Natwest, Ericsson, Accenture.


The newest issue of "Perspektywy" - download the e-book

Presentations of technical universities and science faculties, virus-resistant fields, discussions with women who were successful in technologies, practical tips and lots of motivation - this issue just must be read. Even if it was created as part of the "Girls As Engineers!" campaign, it will be very useful to the boys too.

Read as an e-book


"Inhuman, Superhuman" - Dr. Bianka Siwinska talks to Dr. hab Aleksandra Przegalińska bout artificial intelligence. The conversation was a part of Women in Tech Days 2020

more »

Virus-resistant fields - Girls as Engineers! 2020

Shesnnovation 2020 - competition and the Gala

Over 2,000 high school seniors from all over Poland participated on 23 April in a virtual Open Day at technical universities and science faculties. The event, taking place on the Hopin platform, has been prepared within a few weeks by the Perspektywy Women in Tech team when it turned out the open days cannot be held due to the pandemic.

On 28 May there will be a pitching competition summing up the "Shesnnovation Academy" acceleration program. 10 STEM-based businesses created as part of the program will present themselves. The Academy is addressed to female students, PhD students and graduates of technical and science faculties. The best startups will have the chance to compete for attractive prizes and present themselves to a prestigious group of investors and potential development partners. The project is managed by the Perspektywy Foundation, Citi Foundation and Kronenberg Foundation with the support from the Academy of Economics in Warsaw and TOP500 Innovators.

Scholarships for the most talented female IT students in Poland


The sixth edition of the New Technologies for Girls program is under way. This is the first grant program in Poland for the young women who see their future in the new technologies. Perspektywy in cooperation with Intel Technology Poland, again offers the young female high school graduates and engineering and MA students a unique support and development plan.

Those who qualify for the program will be under the care of a Mentor - one of the experienced Intel employees. They will receive a grant of PLN 12 000 (gross).


Tyle od nas na dziś! Do zobaczenia online!
Wszystkiego dobrego w tych dziwnych czasach,
Perspektywy Women in Tech Team



Poprzednie wydania: Nr 1

Jeśli ta wiadomość nie wyświetla się poprawnie, zobacz podgląd wiadomości w przeglądarce.

Zgodnie z obowiązkiem wynikającym z art. 13 RODO uprzejmie informujemy, że:
1) Administratorem Państwa danych osobowych jest Fundacja Edukacyjna Perspektywy z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Nowogrodzka 31, kod pocztowy 00-511 (dalej także: "Fundacja"), numer KRS: 0000176397
2) z powołanym w Fundacji Inspektorem Ochrony Danych mogą Państwo się skontaktować kierując korespondencję drogą tradycyjną pod powyższy adres siedziby Fundacji (z dopiskiem "IOD") lub poprzez pocztę elektroniczną na adres:
3) Państwa dane osobowe będą przetwarzane w następujących okolicznościach w oparciu o poniższe podstawy prawne:
- w celach marketingowych (uwzględniających także profilowanie w tych celach) - jako realizacja prawnie uzasadnionych interesów Administratora Danych, do których należy marketing bezpośredni produktów i usług

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